PHP. OOP. Propepties and methods scope
We continue to learn basic principles of OOP in PHP. Today we will discuss properties/methods scope. There three modifiers in PHP:
- public – public properties/methods can be accessed anywhere.
- protected – protected properties/methods can be accessed in class and child classes.
- private – private properties/methods can be accessed in which class they have been declared .
If you don’t set modifier directly for property or method, it will be as public in code. Also I notice, protected and public proreprties/methods can’t be accessed in object context.
You can read about scope in details on official php site by this link.
You can read about scope in details on official php site by this link.
Code lesson
** Область видимости
** Нельзя переопределить private в дочерних классах
class Man {
public $name = "Камиль";
protected $surname = "Абзалов";
private $age = 27;
public function printInfo() {
echo $this->name . " " . $this->surname . " " . $this->age;
protected function printProtected() {
echo "Вызов protected метода";
protected function printPrivate() {
echo "Вызов private метода";
class Kamil extends Man {
public $name = "Еще один Камиль";
protected $surname = "c фамилией Абзалов";
$man = new Man();
$kamil = new Kamil();
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo $man->name;
echo "<br>";
/*echo $man->surname;
echo "<br>";
echo $man->age;
echo "<br>";*/
echo $kamil->name;
echo "<br>";
/*echo $kamil->surname;
echo "<br>";
echo $kamil->age;*/
echo $man->printInfo();
echo "<br>";
/*echo $man->printProtected();
echo "<br>";
echo $man->printPrivate();
echo "<br>"; */
echo $kamil->printInfo();
echo "<br>";
/*echo $man->printProtected();
echo "<br>";
echo $man->printPrivate();
echo "<br>"; */