Kamil Abzalov

Frontend (Angular) developer

About me

Kamil Abzalov

Frontend developer and mentor

My experience is 10+ years. I was creating websites with different CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Opencart etc). At the end of 2017, I started working with AngularJS. Since 2018 I’ve been working with Angular. Besides, I like mentoring and have a personal youtube channel.

My last projects

Porsche в России


completed projects

teams projects


  • HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, CSS frameworks
  • JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Angular, Angular Material, NgRX
  • React


  • Ministry of Industry & Information Technology (MIIT), 2007-2012
  • Udemy, Coursera, O’Reilly


  • Email: mail@kamil-abzalov.com
  • Phone (What’s app, Telegram): +357 99 77 40 02, +7 926 753 14 37

Angular. Components interaction

Today we'll consider interaction between parent and child Angular components. Components with different levels of nesting can interact with middl service (we'll talk about it in next videos).We have to use @Input() and @Output() decorators for using interaction...

Angular. Built-in directives. Dynamic element attributes

In this video we'll talk about several built-in Angular directives - ngStyle, ngClass, ngSwitchCase, ng-templateAlso we'll discuss local templates inside ngFor element template. Especially I notice about importance of trackBy. This param increase Angular apps...

Angular. Structural directives *ngFor and *ngIf

In this tutorial we'll consider Angular structural directives - *ngFor and *ngIf and the special directive ng-containerAngular has hot three kinds of directives structural - it changes DOM structure. attributes - it changes the element view/behaviour. components...

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