PHP. OOP. Classes inheritance
Encapsulation is capability object or class to hide its internal implementation. They only give user public methods – interface of class. For example in real life you don’t ask yourself how computer saves your data. Because you have got “ready to use” tools – keyboard, mouse and other, which are interface between you and computer. In oop this interface is classes methods.
Inheritance, I am sure, is clear from the title. Class can inherit properties and methods from another class. For example, we inherited a lot from our parents.
Polymorphism is connected wth inheritance. It is object capability to redefine methods of parent classes. For example, in code below we redefined setName() method.
I would like to notice several important things:
try to follow the rule “one class in one file”, don’t define several classes in one file.
In child class you can call parent constructor, using parent:: keyword.
Last, I recommned you to read <a href=”” target=”_blank”>oop php chapter.</a>. I think, this chapter is described with difficult style, you need write some other articles with php oop topic.
Code lesson
** Наследование классов (наследовать можно только один класс)
** Есть негласное требование - "один класс - один файл"
** Переопределение свойств и методов
** Переопределение и порядок вызова конструктора
** Деструкторы - вызываются после окончания работы скрипта, или если на объект больше
class Man {
public $name;
public $age = 27;
public function __construct() {
echo "Вызов конструктора";
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
return $this->name;
public function __destruct() {
echo "Вызов деструктора";
class Kamil extends Man {
public $age = 25;
public function __construct() {
echo "Вызов конструктора в дочернем классе" . "<br>";
public function setName($name) {
if($name = "Камиль") {
$this->name = "Еще один Камиль";
return $this->name;
$kamil = new Kamil();
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";